Posts Tagged ‘Princess Letizia’


January 11, 2013

ImageAlthough sleep apnea is a disease with serious repercussions on a person’s health, there is still not much awareness about it. Some celebrities have already come out with their stories of their struggle with sleep apnea. This is a very positive turn in our campaign to create awareness about this disease. Last April, we published a post about Shaquille O’Neal & Jerry Garcia — two famous people who suffered from the disease. You can read our story by clicking the link below:

Lately, more celebrities have come out with their own stories of sleep apnea. Here are a couple of famous faces who suffered from the disease:

1. Rosie O’Donnell – Sleep apnea increases a person’s risk for a heart attack and it is no wonder that Rosie O’Donnell has already had a near fatal one last July 2012. After being diagnosed with sleep apnea, O’Donnell is keen to spread the word, especially among women. She has stated that her sleep study report showed that she woke up 200 times in one night and has stopped breathing for as long as 40 seconds. She has claimed that using her prescribed CPAP has made her feel 100% better.

2. Randy Jackson – The popular “American Idol” judge was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes along with sleep apnea in 2003. Not surprisingly, there is strong connection between diabetes and sleep apnea. According to a study published by the Sharp Diabetes Treatment & Research Center in San Diego, about 40% of all men who have type-2 diabetes also have sleep apnea. For men older than 65, the proportion goes up to 61%. Jackson had gastric bypass surgery to control his weight and is now sleeping better, owing much to his successful CPAP use.

3. Roseanne Barr – The outspoken comedian went a step further in creating awareness about sleep apnea. In an episode of her reality show “Roseanne’s Nuts” called Life’s A Snore, Barr addressed her snoring problem by going to a sleep clinic where she is diagnosed as having sleep apnea. Aside from losing weight, she has also undergone rhinoplasty to correct her sleep apnea.

4. Princess Letizia of Spain – Considered one of the most beautiful women in royalty today, Letizia of Spain drew a lot of criticism after undergoing rhinoplasty to “correct a deviated septum” which caused her to suffer from sleep apnea. Many royal watchers are wondering, though, if it was merely a beautification process. A deviated septum occurs when the bone and cartilage separating the nasal passage, called the nasal septum, is out of place or “deviated.” A deviated septum can cause or increase the severity of sleep apnea by blocking the passage of air.

Other celebrities who have suffered from sleep apnea are comedian John Candy, novelist Anne Rice and host Regis Philbin.