Archive for the ‘Home Apnea Testing’ Category

Home Apnea Tests Appear Reliable

April 7, 2010

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects over 10 million Americans, with just as many estimated to be undiagnosed with the condition.  Sleep apnea causes loud snoring and breathing to stop briefly during sleep.  People with sleep apnea may awaken many times during the night gasping for air.  A person may experience up to 300 episodes each night.  Sleep apnea is dangerous because it causes reduced blood oxygen levels that contribute to daytime drowsiness and can cause high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, and death.  Fortunately, sleep apnea is easy to diagnose with a sleep study and can be treated.  Traditional sleep study evaluations require people to spend the night at a sleep study center.  While this is still an option, home sleep study tests are a convenient alternative, and the results are reliable.

The home sleep study test consists of using Holter oximetry.  The device is used to record episodes of heart stress, the level of oxygen in the blood, and their relationship to each other. Patients are instructed on how to use the device and return it for the results to be reviewed.  Talk to your doctor if you suspect that you might have sleep apnea, and ask if a home sleep study is appropriate for you.