Archive for the ‘N2Sleep Homecare’ Category

The Importance of Sleep: Vaccine Effectiveness

August 6, 2012

A recent study observed 125 adults and measured their sleep patterns. Each patient received a three-shot course of a vaccine to protect against hepatitis B. Researchers observed that the less sleep a person got, the fewer antibodies their immune system produced in response to the virus. As a result, they did not meet the standard of protection from the virus. For example, patients who slept less than six hours a night were found to be almost twelve times more likely to be left unprotected by the hepatitis B vaccine compared to those who slept seven hours or more a night. Researchers clarified that instead of the quality of sleep, the amount of sleep was a factor that actually affected the amount of antibodies produced in response to the vaccine. The author of the study, Aric Prather stated that there is a “clear connection between sleep and health.” It is important to keep in mind that while an association between vaccine effectiveness and sleep has been established, a cause-and-effect relationship has not.

Seeing that sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that disrupts not only the quality but sometimes the amount of sleep a person can get each night, an indirect relationship between sleep apnea and vaccine effectiveness is formed. It is important to understand that sleep apnea alone can lead to a myriad of consequences and health complications.

N2Sleep Homecare

Different types of CPAP treatment

June 6, 2012

In severe cases patients might find it difficult to sleep when they need high levels of pressure. In those cases, a BiPAP is used in order to regulate the pressure applied while a patient is at rest. BiPAP stands for Bi-level positive airway pressure. The main idea behind BiPAP is that there is more pressure applied during inhalation than exhalation in order to let the patient breathe easier. It is a lot harder to breathe against high-pressure levels.

There is also the “smart” CPAP machine, which is also know as the auto-titrating CPAP machine. The machine is conscious of how much pressure you need throughout the entire night. As you shift sleeping positions, and transition into different levels of sleep you will need different levels of pressure. The machine reacts whenever you have an apneic episode pushing pressurized air into your airways. The upside to using this that the pressure dispensed from the machine will not always be strong, in that way it will be a lot easier for you to sleep.

At first glance sleep apnea might seem like a harmless disorder that has only subtle effects. Left untreated however, the disorder can become more complicated and may even trigger heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure.


May 16, 2012

Besides eating the right food and getting enough exercise, stress in another factor affecting how a person sleeps. When you are stressed, your muscles tend to tighten up which causes shallow breathing. Stress in my opinion is more mental than physical. Stress may come as a result of the troubles in a person’s life. For example, a stressful work environment can make for some difficult nights. Which is why it is important that you find a way to relieve whatever tension you build up as the weeks go on. As long as you have a few hours a day devoted to relaxation you can reduce stress levels significantly.

Stress might not be directly linked to OSA but many patients who have the breathing disorder also have a lot of stress present in their lives. Anxiety can cause sleeplessness at night. Whatever you experience during the day will manifest itself in some form as the night goes along. Sleeping with a mind at peace and using the CPAP machine is the perfect combination for treating OSA.

Ways of Reducing Snoring

May 16, 2012

Snoring is one of the most common symptoms for a person with OSA. It can also be a bother if a loud snorer sleeps in the same room as another person. Loud snoring can often lead to sleeplessness for people who prefer to rest in silence. Snoring can often mean that you aren’t breathing properly while you are sleeping.

There are many aspects in your environment that affect whether you snore or not at night. One thing that people tend to forget is that pillowcases can gather allergens and dust that might cause heavy snoring at night. Another thing to take note of is how hydrated you are while you are sleeping. This is because the secretions in the nasal area become stickier when a person does not have enough fluids in his or her system. Thus making breathing more difficult and the patient more susceptible to snoring. People with clogged sinuses also tend to snore and have difficulty breathing. Taking a nice, warm shower is an effective way to clear the nasal passages.

After being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea you might feel overloaded!

May 15, 2012

After being diagnosed with sleep apnea, patients often find themselves overloaded with information. Patients must learn how to properly use their equipment and how to clean their machines the right way. These more often than not vary with the various private providers out there. However there are certain tips that will help each sleep apnea patient take care of their equipment and get the best treatment possible. Remember that the quality of the air you receive is dependent entirely on how clean your equipment is.

Here are some basic guidelines:

When cleaning your equipment remember to unplug everything because you don’t want any unnecessary accidents

Unplug everything that is attachable (masks, tubing, headgear, etc)

Use a warm, damp cloth and run it over all the open surfaces of the machine

Place all the detachable parts in a basin of warm soap water for about 30 minutes

If there are filters in place in your machine make sure to check with your provider for the proper maintenance procedures

After all that is done replace everything to its proper place

Make sure to clean everything at least once a week in order to ensure that you receive the quality air that you deserve

Energy Drinks

May 15, 2012

Most things in moderation are actually good for you. Having one or two energy drinks like Red Bull or Rock Star can actually be a good way to jump-start your day. After all it contains vitamin B, amino acids and ginseng. The problem however is that Caffeine is still one of the main ingredients in energy drinks. There’s a reason why its conventional knowledge to not over-indulge in drinking anything that is caffeinated. Energy drinks, soda and coffee all contain sizeable portions of caffeine. And intake should be minimized if not avoided.

Caffeine will give you that rush that you need but the truth is that if taken regularly and often, the stimulant can cause discord in your mental and physical state. Excessive use of caffeine may cause heart failure because of elevated blood pressure and an increased heart rate. At the same time excessive intake of caffeine may play a role in disrupting someone’s sleep pattern. Sometimes this may even cause sleep apnea. It is very important that you put the right things in your body in order to have the best results possible. Instead of waking up and drinking coffee, switch up your daily routine and try drinking tea. Maybe instead of drinking an energy drink try doing something physical over the week so that you develop endurance to help you motor through your daily grind.

Getting Tested

May 3, 2012

The reason why there are many undiagnosed cases of OSA is because a lot of the symptoms occur while a person is fast asleep. Patients with OSA snore irregularly throughout the night. Some people may even gasp for air and have protracted pauses in breathing. One way to see whether you have sleep apnea is to have someone observe you while you sleep. Allowing that person to hear your snoring patterns, checking to see whether there are any irregularities in the flux of air.

Another common indicator that someone has OSA is when you suffer from daytime fatigue. No matter how long you sleep for, you wake the next morning completely drained. This can often lead to depression and irritability during the day. This disorder can be very detrimental for adults and children alike. Your memory and concentration can be affected severely because you always feel so tired. Performance in work and school won’t be the same because of fatigue.

Getting tested in a lab would be the best way to know whether you suffer from OSA. But for most people, a lab set-up isn’t the most comfortable thing in itself. Home testing kits can also be used so that the patient can sleep in the familiarity of his if her own room. Time is of the essence when determining whether you have OSA because you wouldn’t want it to turn into something much worse.


April 18, 2012

Sleep is one of the most vital parts of keeping healthy and making sure that our bodies get ample amount of time for recovery. Which is why it is not so surprising that many sleeping disorders are linked with symptoms of depression. It was found that twice as many males who don’t receive enough sleep are more likely to develop symptoms of depression than males who sleep better.

A body lacking in sleep will indubitably receive more stress than a normal well rested body. Sleep apnea is one example of such sleeping disorders. Irregular breathing patterns will result in a person not being able to sink down into a deep sleep causing the said person to experience very light or shallow sleep. This will lead to daytime sleepiness or fatigue throughout the whole day. Impacting the person’s mental state.

With this in mind, it is very important that people always put their health first. One thing about sleep apnea is that it is one of the most under diagnosed disorders because most people who have it usually don’t know what is happening to their bodies during times of rest. Sleep apnea is a simple disease that can very likely develop into something detrimental. It is important to always be on top of things and understanding that our health deserves our utmost attention.

Build A CPAP Network

December 16, 2011

Being diagnosed with sleep apnea can be a huge life changing event. The treatment prescribed for sleep apnea, a CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure), is also no ball park. Of course it is good news that with the use of a CPAP, a patient who has moderate to severe sleep apnea can go from having the disease to being sleep apnea. However, there is a catch that the CPAP has to be used constantly, for life. The CPAP is considered a therapy treatment and only with the use of this machine can a patient recover to having no symptoms and getting a good night sleep, however discontinued use or periodic use will unfortunately do no good in this case.

A new study from Penn University showed that there are many factors that contribute to regular adaptation and use of the CPAP. This has a lot to do with the persons age, character, psychological well-being and social factors.

For example, the study showed that in half of newly diagnosed apnea patients would not use the CPAP because they felt claustrophobic. Others reported not being able to sleep or discomfort when using the mask. These are all very relevant factors, yet they are not ones that patients can’t over come. The study also showed that intervention from a parent, partner or a friend helped tremendously.

N2Sleep Homecare is a service which can provide a patient with all of their CPAP needs. From adjustments to education, they will provide one on one care as well as set you up with a compliance counselor. If you are someone who still feels that they need more support, N2Sleep Homecare can help coach your partner or spouse on CPAP methods, this way patients will feel that they have constant and consistent support.

To learn more please visit:

Don’t Let The Flu Stop Your CPAP

December 9, 2011

If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is likely that you already deal with congested airways, dry nasal passages and trouble breathing at night. These are all symptoms that are not easy to live with, but with the help of a CPAP machine, they can be manageable.

However, when the cold weather hits, not all of us are able to fight off the cold or the flu. The question is, what do you  do if I you find yourself sick with the flu and suffering from sleep apnea. Usually, all of the over-the-counter flu remedies help with congestion, but they contain cough suppressant as well as sleep aids, this could be extremely dangerous to those who suffer from sleep apnea. Anything that can interfere with your bodies natural response to breathing or the slowing down of the respiration rate is not recommended for apnea patients.

The key is to not get discouraged and it is especially important to not stop using your CPAP machine. Instead of disregarding your mask, and taking NyQuil, opt to using the CPAP to your advantage, use some saline drops to loosen mucus in your sinuses. A neti-pot can also help clear our access congestion. Then try a heated humidifier for your CPAP, this will also help relieve the extra congestion. For the symptoms try natural remedies and cough suppressant. Hot tea, lemon and honey.

If you still have questions, it is a good idea to ask your doctor or converse with your compliance counselor sponsored by N2Sleep Homecare. They are able to help you answer all your questions and help adjust your CPAP to times when you may feel a little bit more under the weather.