Archive for January, 2012

Trucking With Sleep Apnea

January 19, 2012

In the recent years, more and more studies have shown that sleep apnea has been a leading cause in fatal traffic accidents. More so within the population of people who drive and work long hours.

Truck drivers are at a high risk because a lot of them spend days on end without getting proper sleep, proper diet and exercise. One such case has recently made headline news as a family was awarded over 3 million dollars in a case which proved sleep apnea was the culprit. A truck driver, who was untreated for sleep apnea rear ended the family on a busy Texas highway.

The problem was not just that the driver had untreated OSA, it was that the trucking company had promised to comply with the current standard of sleep apnea education which held the drivers accountable to get proper treatment if they were in fact diagnosed with the disease.

This particular driver was not given the proper education of the dangers regarding sleep apnea and therefore had dismissed his symptoms. Unfortunately the wake-up call had come after the accident, however this sheds much needed light on trucking companies to heighten their education regarding sleep apnea and insist that drivers get treatment.

To learn more about sleep apnea and treatment please visit:

Sleep Apnea And Pre-Teen Diabetes

January 12, 2012

When we think of Sleep Apnea, we usually think of adults as the most common demographic to suffer from the disease. However, recent research shows that Sleep Apnea is no longer just plaguing the older population, it has affected teenagers as well as kids and has caused much worry for parents.

In recent studies, doctors have found that Sleep Apnea in children causes their glucose levels to rise. stated “Diabetic children with more nightly apnea events had significantly higher glucose levels and spent more time in hyperglycemia than young type 1 diabetics without sleep disturbances”. Within children that already have type 1 diabetes this was posing a higher risk for complications and for those kids who did not yet suffer from diabetes were at increased risk for developing diabetes as young adults.

This is an important bench mark in the study of this disease due to it’s rapid increase in diagnosis. It is important to know exactly how Sleep Apnea can affect our youth so that proper treatment can be instilled at an early age. It is much easier to form a habit for a child then an adult so why wait till your apnea is fully developed. Parents should not hesitate to get testing for their kids as well as themselves,

To learn more about Sleep Apnea and treatment please visit:



Sleeping Along Side A Snorer

January 9, 2012

It is now known that snoring is a tall tale sign of sleep apnea. Those who suffer from sleep apnea don’t have it easy when it comes to a good night sleep. Many have to deal with severe drowsiness, fatigue and even memory loss. This is due to the repeated apneas that occur throughout the night wich cause a pause in breathing. This pattern tends to wrestle people out of deep sleep through out the night.

Even though it is simple to understand how sleep apnea can affect the patient, it can also have adverse affects on their bed partner.

Sleeping along side someone who snores can cause health risks similar to those which come with sleep apnea. Those who sleep with scorers report getting less and less sleep through out the night. Constantly waking up to nudge or turn over their partner is also very disruptive as well as stressful.

Studies have also shown that if untreated, sleep apnea and the repeated snoring would cause problem within the relationship. Once the apnea was treated, spouses reported better sleep and improvement in energy, stress levels and mood.

If loud enough, snoring can even disrupt the whole house hold. Although not as common, studies have also reported others who live or share walls with loud scorers have had sleep disruptions on a regular basis.

For more information on snoring and sleep apnea please visit:

The Law And Sleep Apnea

January 6, 2012

Within the recent years, sleep disorders have been put in the lime light. Sleep Apnea averaging the highest among many other sleep disorders has consumed a large population.

Sleep Apnea is now known to be a cause for heart disease, hypertension as well as sudden death. This disease also leaves patients sleep deprived, moody and irritable. In-fact it been shown that many fatal car crashes are attributed to the lack of sleep caused by sleep apnea.

A new study reveals that even a larger problem is in the rise. More than a third of police officers are now reported to suffer from sleep apnea. Law enforcement is a demanding and vigorous occupation. The men and women serving on the force already are pre-disposed to high stress situations as well as working long, odd hours. Sleep apnea increases drowsiness, memory loss and anxiety. These are dangerous combinations when police officers have to deal with driving, dealing with high impact situations and handling weapons.

There is a high demand for testing within law enforcement due to the increased risk this poses for the public. Treatment is also highly encouraged, although many are resistant to think that this is as large of a problem.

To find out more about the dangers of sleep apnea, as well as lab testing, at home testing and homecare for your treatment visit:

Making New Year Resolutions

January 3, 2012

The New Year has arrived and it is time for us to make and keep our New Year resolutions. This year is a good year to focus on health. Sleep Apnea is on the rise every year so educating ourselves about testing and treatment should be on the priority list.

Here are a few tips to help you with your resolutions this year.

1. Educate yourself on the topic of sleep disorders and sleep apnea. There are many reliable sources online that can provide you with the best information. One such source is, this site can provide you with information and facts about sleep disorders, testing and much more.


2. Be aware of signs and don’t be afraid to get tested. Sleep Apnea testing can be a life changing decision. This will determine if you are in the clear or if you may need treatment. If you happen to need treatment, it is better to know as soon as possible because this can drastically improve the quality of your life.


3. If you have already gotten tested and have been diagnosed, but have not yet gotten a CPAP machine for treatment, this year make it happen! Don’t hesitate or make excuses for your health.


Make this year a better year. You will feel better and be thankful that this is something you did for yourself.


For more information on testing and Sleep Apnea please visit: