Famous people with sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is one disorder that many new patients are unfamiliar with. This is so because of the fact that many of the symptoms that people experience happen in the dead of night. But a good percentage of the population is thought to be part of an ever-growing number of sleep apnea patients. So it would not be of any surprise that there are lots of famous people who also experience difficulty breathing when they are at rest.

Take Shaquille O’Neal, the famous NBA player for example. He is a documented sleep apnea patient. Shaq’s loud snoring bothered his girlfriend, which would cease at certain times of the night. This small detail is a tell-tell sign of how someone can have sleep apnea. The cessation of snoring is indicative of lack of breathing, which is the basic premise behind sleep apnea.

Jerry Garcia was the former guitarist of the band, The Grateful Dead. Unfortunately in 1995, Jerry suffered a heart attack and was pronounced dead. Jerry was another celebrity who was a well-documented sleep apnea patient. Although sleep apnea by itself is not fatal, the complications brought on by the disorder are. Sleep apnea prevents oxygen from getting to the brain, placing more strain on the heart.

Whether you are a talented athlete or a sickly child, you are susceptible to having sleep apnea. Which is why it is important that you take care of your body and get tested whenever necessary.

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  1. FAMOUS PEOPLE WITH SLEEP APNEA Part 2 « Cleve'sBlog Says:

    […] https://sleepbusiness.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/famous-people-with-sleep-apnea/ […]

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